Cooking with Yams

The yam is a type of root vegetable which is grown in warm countries such as Africa and Asia. These vegetables are often used as a staple part of people’s diet in certain countries and regions. This is in part due to the fact that they grow well in these areas and that they can be stored without refrigeration for long periods of time.

Traditional yam recipes vary all over the world. In Africa, for example, people will usually boiled or fry yams or pound the flesh to make a type of dough. The Japanese will eat their variation of the yam raw unlike in many other countries where other types of raw yams can actually be dangerous. Here, the yams are grated and soaked and used as part of noodle dishes or on their own. Yams can also be used as sweet dishes in many cultures.

Yam powder is a popular way of cooking with yams in the West. This powder can be mixed with water to reconstitute the vegetable and the result is kind of like a mashed potato. It is also common to fry, boil, steam or bake yams to use as side dishes or meal accompaniments. Yams here can also be used as an ingredient in sweet dishes such as cakes, brownies and pies. For some dishes the yams will be peeled and chopped up although, if you are making a dish such as a baked yam (like a baked potato), then you can cook the yam with the skin on.