
Yams are a type of vegetable that belongs to the Dioscorea family. They are the tubers of climbing plants. There are various types of yam in this family including the white, yellow, water and Chinese yams although it is estimated that there are over 100 different species grown across the globe.

This food is quite similar to sweet potato and is, in fact, often confused for or marketed as sweet potatoes although the two are not the same and come from different families. Yams are an important part of the diet in many regions of the world including Africa, Central America, South America, the West Indies and the Far East. They can be used in much the same way as potatoes or sweet potatoes.

Yams vary in size from small potato like sizes through to huge species. The skins of yams can vary from a whiteish colour through to pink and brown shades and the flesh can range from whiteish through to pink, yellow, orange and purple shades. There are various ways to cook yams depending on the size and type of yam that you buy. They can, for example, sometimes be cooked or baked in their skins or peeled and then boiled.

Yams are a good source of nutrition as they contain vitamins B and C and are rich in fibre. They are also a good source of potassium and manganese.